A Comparative Analysis of Hair Removal Techniques

nair hair removal creams

Blessing or a curse – we don’t really know when it comes to the umpteen number of options available for hair removal. But one thing is clear. We all love silky smooth skin that is devoid of hair. But how to get it removed and what is the best choice to make, is the million dollar question. Come, let’s find out here.

Removing Hair with Depilatories

We’ll start with what we know best, inside out. 

Depilatories are hair removal lotions or creams that remove unwanted hair. They are quick, painless, cost-effective and its results definitely last longer than shaving. Nair and its range of depilatory products are cut out for the task of hair removal and can be used by all. Plus, they leave behind a good fragrance as well. Also, you do not have to read up an entire manual to understand how to go about it. Just apply the product for the said amount of time and remove as instructed. Done! That said, make sure you do a patch test before each use even if you have successfully used depilatories in the past. This is because body chemistry evolves constantly and you will never know how it is going to react this time.

Removing Hair with Waxing

This is going to be a close one. Waxing removes hair at a grass root level with results that can last for four weeks, give or take. Waxing, no doubt, is versatile and can be used on the face, legs, underarms and bikini line. Some can even remove very short hairs. Waxes can be divided into sugar and resin waxes.

We might not be familiar with the term Sugar waxes but we definitely know halawa. It is the same and is usually prepared at home using sugar and lemon juice. Although it is a very economical option, the pain involved is excruciating and can only take place with a hair length of a few millimetres. 

Resin waxes are further classified as hot and cold waxes. In the hot wax method, it is first heated and liquefied and then applied onto the skin. The process is more painful than the halawa method and we pray, you be blessed with superpowers to handle the agonising pain involved should you spill the bottle of hot wax onto yourself during the whole process.

Cold wax in comparison to these methods is a walk in the park. Available as strips mostly, the results can last up to 4 weeks and hair regrowth will be slower, finer and lesser. And if you are using the Nair Cold Wax Strips, you are using products that have 97% natural origin ingredients in it and are dermatologically tested as well.

Removing Hair with Shaving

Yet another close ‘shave’ when compared with depilatory products. There are an endless number of options available when it comes to the brand as well as the type of razor blade that comes along with them. However, they only remove hair growth on the surface of the skin thus leaving a sharp edge behind, making initial hair regrowth feel coarse. Razors also have the potential to create nicks, cuts and irritation to the skin, called razor burn.

If you are looking at a face-off between shaving and hair removal creams, the latter takes the podium as it prevents ingrown hairs and the results last days longer than shaving.

Removing Hair with Lasers

In laser hair removal, a concentrated beam of light is focused on the hair follicles. Laser treatments tend to be costly and multiple treatments are often needed. It can slow down hair growth but unlike popular belief, it is not permanent. Depilatory creams, cold waxes and sprays of Nair come at a fraction of the cost of a laser and get  almost the same job done at half the time of a single sitting of a laser appointment. No brainer on what to go for right!

There you have it. Some of the most popular options laid out for you to take a call. So, choose your beautiful and we’ll be here, cheering for you!

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